Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolution Repetition

Many times in my life I have made my new year's resolution to be all about weight loss. It usually involved some crazy starve diet that would fail pretty quick and the truth is, my weight fluctuates a lot so I always just figured it'll come off when it comes off. Then, three years ago, I got a little heavier than my usual "heavy" state and I made the resolution to either do it or forget about it because I was not about to spend another year making a wasted resolution. Here's what happened!

I started with the south beach diet and went from there. I don't know if there IS any fool proof diet and exercise plan out there. I just had to start somewhere and then keep adjusting it until something worked. Most of my success can be directly linked to portion control. That was the biggest change for sure.
I wrote down everything I ate and drank, every exercise I did and took measurements about once a week. I also weighed myself every morning. (and several times throughout the day usually) Basically, I obsessed over my weight until I lost some. It took about a year or so to loose it and every year on new year's day I make the same resolution. It's been a long time since I wrote down anything or measured myself.. I still weigh myself every morning though. Gotta keep an eye on it! And here's some more "before" pics for fun :)

Love to all, and may we all have a healthy and happy 2013!


  1. Wow you did a really great job! A little bit of inspiration for me thanks!

    1. Thank you! I set small goals and celebrated each accomplishment! Have fun, not frustration :)
